Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia

Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia

23103 Visitors:
Address: 27 Agiou Georgiou, Megali Vrisi
Area: Lamia
Telephone: 2231028853
Mobile: 6946121206
P.C.: 35100
Fax: 2231028853
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Knowing from the beginning the need that the child has in the first steps of his life to live in his own family environment, we created with a lot of passion, love and responsibility the "CHILDREN'S CORNER". The goal of the "CHILDREN'S CORNER" is to embrace children with warmth and love and to help them form a personality with ethos and knowledge by supporting the development of their skills, supporting the work of parents !!! Our school "THE CHILDREN'S CORNE...
23103 Visitors:

27 Agiou Georgiou, Megali Vrisi, Lamia

23103 Visitors:

Knowing from the beginning the need that the child has in the first steps of his life to live in his own family environment, we created with a lot of passion, love and responsibility the "CHILDREN'S CORNER". The goal of the "CHILDREN'S CORNER" is to embrace children with warmth and love and to help them form a personality with ethos and knowledge by supporting the development of their skills, supporting the work of parents !!! Our school "THE CHILDREN'S CORNER" is staffed by experienced and scientifically trained staff with many years of experience. Completely renovated building with spacious and comfortable rooms of 50sqm with multipurpose room, insulation, bedroom for infants and toddlers, milk preparation area and many areas according to the Ministries of Health and Welfare and Education and Religions!

DEPARTMENTS OPERATING A._BABY -Nurses operate - Accepts children from 40 days to (20-22 months)

-It is located in a different independent space and hosts exclusively babies.
-Basic care of babies is the frequent change, feeding at the normal and correct time, peace and quiet in sleep by experienced staff with many years of experience.
The older babies are preoccupied with fairy tales, paintings, puzzles, songs, puppetry, rhythmic gymnastics, collages, pedagogical games.

B._PRE-CHILDREN AND CHILDREN - There are pre-kindergarten and children's departments.
-In the pre-children's section children from 22 months to 3 years.
-In the children's section children from 3-4 years old. In these two departments children have their first contact with pre-school education. With the rich educational material, the many and various pedagogical and entertaining games with the discussion and observation of nature acquire the perception of the different concepts and enrich their vocabulary. The fairy tale, the puppet show, the song, the puzzle, the collage etc. are activities that develop intelligence, speech and put their logic and thinking in the right order. The various constructions, the painting and the gate, paper cutting etc. group and individual, help them to practice finger dexterity and develop aesthetic criteria.

Pre-infant and toddler sections operate
-Children of preschool age (4-6 years) through individual and group activities are fully prepared for primary education (reading, writing, arithmetic).
-Implementation of innovative programs with emphasis on its comprehensive development, physically - emotionally - mentally - socially etc.
-Social and emotional skills development programs.
-To learn to complete correctly, to work, to help, to accept the help offered to him, to discipline, to proceed to the creation of interpersonal relationships.
-To develop the ability to express his thoughts, feelings and to describe his experiences with a logical structure. ACTIVITIES
-Theatrical play, children's collage, painting, puppetry and participation in social events.
-Toys, fairy tales, poems (group, educational, free), constructions, paper cutting and project.
Excursions to places of interest to children of this age, visits to theaters, museums, factories, libraries, etc.
-Teaching music and song -Learning English
- Complete healthy diet
-Medical care
-Computer learning from Expert In which is a global educational system for enriching knowledge with computers to children from 4 years and over.
-Theatrical and dance performances.
-First and essential acquaintance with the sports that include athletics such as shot put, javelin, hurdles, high jump, long jump, also acquaintance with tennis, basketball and rhythmic gymnastics in collaboration with the company PR School and the ladies 'gym' gym.


Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia For babies from 40 days to 6 years
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Education-entertainment
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Medical & dental care
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Collaboration & gatherings of parents with a psychologist & speech therapist
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Complete healthy diet
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Learning - acquaintance with computers
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Learning English
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Theatrical & dance performances
Children's Corner - Kindergarten Lamia - Nursery School Lamia - Kindergarten Lamia Preparation for Primary School by educators specialized in modern preparatory programs
23103 Visitors:

27 Agiou Georgiou, Megali Vrisi

Telephone: 2231028853
Mobile: 6946121206

Working Hours
